Employee Spotlight: Bruce Brown

Bruce Brown has been a Technical Account Manager at Website Pipeline for over two years, but with 13 years of ERP-related experience, he's a seasoned veteran in the ERP industry. He was the recipient of the Website Pipeline 2015 Honor Roll Award in recognition of his dependability and dedication to quality work.
Among other things, Bruce spends his time providing customer-facing support for sites following launch, overseeing new modules and custom development to enhance customer sites, and preparation of internal and external technical documents.
Read on to learn more about Bruce Brown, Website Pipeline Technical Account Manager.
Where are you from/where did you grow up?
Lancaster, Ohio
What's your favorite hobby/ What do you like to do outside of work?
I don't have much time for hobbies; but when I do find time I enjoy flying (private license), High performance/ muscle cars, target shooting, and photography.
Which college(s) did you attend, and what was your focus of study/degree?
Bob Jones University, BS Business Management / English minor
Clemson University, Post Grad management accounting course
What is your favorite band or type of music?
I rotate among Traditional Celtic (Loreena McKennitt and Deanta are favorites), Solo piano (Helen Jane Long), Crossover (Amici, Shasha & Shawna), and Classical.
What's the funniest thing that has happened at Website Pipeline?
Watching young developers wipe out on hover boards and thinking about the how perplexed the workmen’s comp underwriter will be when broken arms and concussion claims show up.
Do you have any pet peeves/things you hate?
People who drive side-by-side, 10 miles under the limit, on my way home!
What’s your favorite thing about working at Website Pipeline?
What is your theme song?
Never had one, but it would probably be El Condor Pasa, in particular Verse 2, Line 1.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and who would you take with you?
I'd go back to the UK, and take a side trip to Ireland — with my wife.
Who is your hero/someone you look up to, and why?
My Dad, for three reasons:
1) Courage – he went ashore with the “old breed” Marines at Pelelieu
2) Skill and craftsmanship – he was a career machinist with a couple of patented inventions
3) Supported my interests – he raced sports cars and was a competitive target shooter
He was known for his honesty and ethics.
Tell us at least one interesting thing about you that not a lot of people know...
I worked for several months on a project with Ian Paisley.
Describe yourself in 3 words...
Steady, consistent, predictable.
What is one thing you couldn’t go a day without?
My wife, the love of my life.
Bruce is one of 60+ Website Pipeline employees, all of whom are in North America. He avoids watching TV because "reality is strange enough these days", but enjoys watching real-time hover board wipe-outs. You can learn more about the Website Pipeline culture on our website, or visit our Meet The Team page to see more WSP employees.