Employee Spotlight: Bradley Briggs

Bradley Briggs has only been with Website Pipeline for 4 months, but he's already shown the flexibility and drive that our Software Developers are known for. He's currently working on the Account Management team assisting in security updates, but it won't be long before he's chasing Website Pipeline awards as a Project Manager.
Already fluent in C and Java programming languages, he's also mastered the Website Pipeline lingo and greatly enjoys watching videos compiled from new employee nerf attacks. Determined, laid-back and loyal; Bradley is a perfect fit at Website Pipeline so watch out, because we expect big things from him in the future.
Read on to learn more about Bradley, Website Pipeline Software Developer.
Where are you from/where did you grow up?
I am from Summerton, SC which is a very small town that no one is really aware of. So instead I tell people I’m from Sumter, SC hoping they will know where that is. Normally they don’t.
What's your favorite hobby/ What do you like to do outside of work?
Watching sports is probably my favorite hobby.
I've been a football and basketball fan for years, but sports like baseball, golf, and tennis have grown on me over the past year or two. I enjoy sports because of the rollercoaster ride one game can take you on and the fact that your record doesn’t necessarily determine if you win or lose a game.
Which college(s) did you attend?
I attended Clemson University and majored in Computer Information Systems.
What is your favorite movie?
Wolf of Wall Street, simply because it’s a reminder that you can have everything you ever wanted and then it can all come crashing down. But this movie definitely made it look funny in the process.
Favorite thing to eat?
Macaroni and Cheese. Probably because it was a food I grew up with and had for Sunday dinner every week since I was a kid. That is until I got to college, and then there was no such thing as Sunday dinner.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and who would you take with you?
London and Spain and I would take all of my family and friends.
Do you have any nicknames?
B-Rad is the most popular one and it stems from a movie called Malibu’s Most Wanted.
What is one thing you couldn’t go a day without?
I probably couldn’t go without the internet because without it, how else would I keep up with my favorite sports teams and TV shows that I’ve missed?
What is your life motto/favorite quote?
“Expect the unexpected.”
Tell us at least one interesting thing about you that not a lot of people know...
I was almost named Richland instead of Bradley because of how much time I spent at their hospital after I was born. Kind of glad I dodged that one!
Bradley is one of 60+ Website Pipeline employees, all of whom are in North America. He hates it when the microwave timer isn't cleared after usage and attended the best university in the state. You can learn more about the Website Pipeline culture on our website, or visit our Meet The Team page to see more WSP employees.