Employee Spotlight: Mark Davis

Mark is an ERP team lead, and makes sure that our website portals are perfectly synched up with the various ERPs that we integrate with. He describes his job as "regularly performing open heart surgery while the patient is still awake."
What project/goal that you worked on are you most proud of?
I am most proud of receiving the Pinnacle award from Microsoft for Dynamics GP implementation. Apparently no one has ever put in that many modules and coordinated that many teams of consultants before. It's probably good that we didn't know that until afterwards.
What's the funniest thing that has happened at Website Pipeline?
Learning that our owner and his family are legitimate fans of the Sharknado quadrilogy of movies. They could go on for hours about how much they love them.
What's your favorite hobby?
Currently, wirelessly connecting up everything in my house to a smart hub for security and home automation. It will change in a few months.
What TV or movie character would you be?
Henry Morgan from Forever. I think it would be great to be immortal and see the changes of the world around you. I am always excited to see the possibilities of where our world can end up and what new technology is around the next corner.
What programming languages are you fluent in?
FORTRAN, COBOL, LISP, Pascal, QBasic, all the ones that really matter in today's world.
Mark is one of 60+ Website Pipeline employees, all of whom are in North America. He is still adjusting to life after learning that light roast coffee has a higher caffeine content than regular or dark roast varieties, but he will never truly be the same. He also cleans out the company fridge. You can learn more about the Website Pipeline culture on our website, or visit our Meet The Team page to see more WSP employees.