Employee Spotlight: Andrew Kazura

Andrew is yet another one of our brilliant software developers. He is a part of the team that focuses solely on our proprietary sync tool that moves data back and forth between a customer's ERP and cloud based website.
So, do you play any sports?
Favorite sport to play has got to be ultimate frisbee. I joined a league here in Greenville when I started at Website Pipeline and play pretty much year round on Thursdays. I was on my high school football and baseball team but I never really got on the field during game time.
I do love to play Fantasy Football, though. I like watching football and thinking about the way the game can be played. It is fun for me to calculate out how an offense can be better or worse dependent on what kind of coordinator the player is playing for and competing against my friends.
What is your favorite movie?
My favorite movie has got to be Spaceballs. The jokes are great through the whole movie. I have been told many times that I have not seen nearly enough movies. When people heard of all of the movies I hadn’t watched they decided to make a list of them that I should go and see. I am proud to say that I have not watched a single one of them since the list has been made.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Usually when I hang out with friends it ends up with us going to somebody’s apartment and playing intense rounds of board games. My favorite board game right now has got to be Codenames where you try to get your teammates guess words that are on the board by giving 1 word clues. It is a mind game that takes a lot of focus to play.
If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and who would you take with you?
I am a big anime fan so I would love to go to Japan with some of my friends from college who are also fans. We actually have a plan to go to Japan but they decided to go to “Graduate School” and get master degrees which has delayed our plans. The major places we are planning on visiting are the Pokemon Center in Tokyo, a sumo wrestling match, and Akihabara.
What is something not a lot of people know about you?
For 2nd and 3rd grade my family moved to England and we got to see most of Western Europe because of all the flyer miles my dad got. The best country I probably visited was Italy specifically because of the food that was there. One place that we went to had a 4 course meal with salad, pasta, entrée (which we got pizza), and dessert (which was gelato).
My most vivid memory of my travels was when my little brother and I saw a pepperoni pizza on a menu in Italy and wouldn’t let my parents tell us that it wasn’t the meat pepperoni and ordered it. When it came out it was covered in red bell peppers which both of us didn’t like and had to pick off so that we could have the gelato for dessert.
Andrew is one of 60+ Website Pipeline employees, all of whom are in North America. He attended the University of South Carolina in Columbia . You can learn more about the Website Pipeline culture on our website, or visit our Meet The Team page to see more WSP employees.