TSS Customer Event in South Bend, IN

Website Pipeline Salesperson Don Martin recently attended a TSS (formerly Tennessee Software Solutions) customer event in South Bend, Indiana. TSS is an active partner to Website Pipeline.
Overall, Don said it was a fantastic show, and great user group event put on by Troy at TSS. The event had more than twenty wholesale/distribution/manufacturing companies represented, from across the South Bend area. The companies use Sage 100 ERP to manage their businesses.
Troy Turrentine, president of TSS, stated, "We work hard as a company to truly understand our entire customer base, and really know who they are, what they need to be successful, and how we can position them with other companies that will fulfill those needs."
Don presented for over an hour at the event and was able to demonstrate the Website Pipeline Customer Self-Service portal "in full effect". The response was fantastic, customer and prospect engagement was at an all time high and we are looking forward to many more events with Troy and his team.
Website Pipeline will be present at many customer events over the next few months, so keep an eye out for us if you're attending an event!
If you're interested in discussing ways that Website Pipeline might help your business to get, keep, and grow more customers, contact us today!